How does an accounting practise go from running a relatively reasonable system that works and in this instance, I refer to ProSeries? The firm is now faced with a choice of doing an upgrade either to SKY or to one of the competitors, and the competitor comes in and without really giving us an opportunity to pitch Sky, they go the competitor route? Maybe this is a price issue, maybe it is because one of the competitors has a fantastic working paper system and the firm thinks they are getting the same quality. We have had a few of these situations where clients have changed. The change is a huge effort with much trauma, therefore its really difficult to come back. Of course, the people within who made or helped make the decision have to protect their decision that they made! They do this by hanging in there at all costs. Sometimes they leave the firms because they can’t take the pressure! We had the situation where a relatively small 2 partner practice changed because of the pressure of the audit manager. The Partners called us in May 2017 and said "we cannot take this anymore, we are really struggling with our Debtors", but in fact the whole system and we want to come back to your software. Of course, we allowed them to come back and catch up as they started again at the 1st January 2017 redoing their work from the time they changed because they could not rely on their current data. These are the kind of things they told us they encountered.
I am not saying that we are perfect, but we certainly are now reaching a point where we are closer to perfection than anyone else. Listen to what our clients say. Have a look on for the webinar with Andrew Alt of Charteris Barnes. Leave a Reply. |
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