Pad Accounting is a 32 Bit Windows based accounting system that caters for the needs of all South African businesses. Its new improved speed can handle multiple companies and unlimited transactions. It is designed for small and medium size businesses alike. It is suitable for all sectors—manufacturing, retail, distribution and service industry, as well as for accounting bureau services. Its ease of use and sophisticated power make it South Africa’s best value for money choice. The extensive use of one form screens assists in speed and ease of use and friendly navigation. Pad is far more than an accounting system- it is a total control and management system. If you need to know where your business is at any point in time. Pad will give you the information you need.
Where a company wants to track every cash book transaction in the general ledger with full narration then this is the system to use, as opposed to other systems that use batches so that you only see the totals in certain general ledger accounts. Our bank reconciliation program is by far the easiest and the best to use in the market place. To this we have Auto Bank Reconciliation, an ability to download figures out of your bank statement from the bank’s internet site which is automatically read into the cash book. You can preconfigure certain transactions so that they will find the correct general ledger account automatically.\
Pad Accounting is very strong in the Security Industry and together with Pad Payroll will take care of all your security company needs. if you are a security company it is absolutely essential for you to have these product.